
Since 1976, Colorado Springs Pulmonary Consultants PC has provided specialized care for lungs and related diseases. We are part of the team serving Colorado Springs, CO's Penrose and Saint Francis hospitals.

2312 North Nevada Ave., Suite 305
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

PHONE: 719-471-7064

FAX: 719-776-5459

2312 North Nevada Ave., Suite 305

Colorado Springs, CO 80907


Terms of Service

The Colorado Springs Pulmonary Consultants, PC (CSPC) website is provided for informational purposes to our patients and the community we serve. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using this website. The information in this website is not intended to be “medical advice.” This can only be given directly from our medical team during office visits or by contacting the CSPC Office (719) 471-7064. If your concern is a medical emergency, please call 911 right away.

Your access and use of this website indicates your acceptance of the CSPC Website Terms & Conditions. All contents are believed to be as accurate as possible at the time of the website posting. However, there is always the possibility of human error and changes in medicine often will move faster than we can post on this website.

The links provided within this website cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure or accurate and are provided as tools for our visitors and are used at the viewers’ own risk. You alone are responsible for the use of this website and CSPC is not liable for any damages you may incur from using this website.

All information contained within this website is the property of Colorado Springs Pulmonary Consultants and may not be used without prior written permission from CSPC. We have obtained permission and/or written authorization for the use of pictures within this website. CSPC has the right to change and modify the terms and conditions of this website at anytime without notifying the users.

You may use this website in a limited way to create a hyperlink to the website provided you follow the terms and conditions of this website stated above. Any unauthorized use of CSPC trademarks such as logos, service marks, trade secrets, etc., is strictly prohibited.

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this website, then please immediately discontinue your use immediately of this website. Your continued use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the CSPC website. This website is governed by the laws of the State of Colorado in all matters relating to the use of websites. CSPC reserves the right to prohibit anyone’s use of this website by applying a “blocking mechanism” if deemed necessary.

If you have questions regarding the CSPC Website Terms & Conditions, please contact our Practice Administrator by electronic mail – "> or (719) 471-7064 Ext. 310.